ramsky : hahahaha... gak remed sih..cuma pas pasan :P
noor: thanks!!! all i wanna say on my blog... it was: "hey people stop babbling about the government, you guys better to make up your messy life and be the next awsome president [if you could.. :P ]"
gue juga menahan untuk gak komentar ttg BBM di blog, nilai pkn gue aja remed terus cuy X)
ReplyDeleteI do not know what you said but I love the pictures lol :)
ReplyDeleteramsky : hahahaha... gak remed sih..cuma pas pasan :P
ReplyDeletenoor: thanks!!! all i wanna say on my blog... it was: "hey people stop babbling about the government, you guys better to make up your messy life and be the next awsome president [if you could.. :P ]"
Kece tuh gambarnyaa.. tapi kenapa langsung teringat gambar di keripik ma icih yang ngadep samping ya -_____-
ReplyDeleteAbis operasi apaan? o.O
ReplyDeleteGambarmu selalu khas banget del :3 itu fotonya bikin ingat seseorang, tapi siapa ya? -_-,
ReplyDeletetammizious : ahhaahah iyaya maicih -__- tinggal tambahin koyo~~
ReplyDeletelinda: #salahfokus
pipit: seorang alay? -___- hahahah
lebih baik kuliah yg bener, kerja keras dapetin posisi yg tepat di pmerintahan terus betulin deh negara ini...
ReplyDeletethat is what i said ~~
ReplyDeletekalo remed mah biasa gue XD