Aug 28, 2014

Doodlegänger: Meet Your Doppelgänger in A Doodle

I'm about doing a [my wish is a daily] drawing project. But, instead of making random daily themes like : fave song, fave food, fave movie etc. I decided to make a painting some of my friends portrait.
Skill improved and everyone's happy. Lol.
Well, this is totally random, i randomly stalk somebody's profile picture and i make it. Just it.
No hard feeling at all. Hehehehehe.
interesting uh?
so, if you wanna trade some of your bucks with a doodlegänger of mine, 
let me know by hitting this contact button :}
unless i give you 'free', this ain't free tho.
Don't forget to like doodlegänger page xD

1 comment:

  1. oh iya mau nanya nih .. bikin animasi karikatur wajah jadi kaya gitu gimana sih ? ehehe


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